Connecting a Wi-Fi Enabled Dash Cam to a Smartphone

Wi-Fi enabled Dash Cams are becoming increasingly popular due to the flexibility and functionality they offer the Dash Cam user. When inside your vehicle, Wi-Fi enabled Dash Cams allow you to stream and download videos directly to your phone, change Dash Cam settings from your phone or view a live video feed from your phone screen. When downloaded onto your phone, video files can be sent to 3rd parties on the spot.

Our most popular Wi-Fi enabled Dash Cams are the BlackVue, FineVU and the Lukas Dash Cam Range.

All these Wi-Fi enabled Dash Cams have a corresponding smartphone App that has been developed by the Dash Cam manufacturer. These Apps are easily downloaded from your App store and are available as free downloads. Most Dash Cam Apps are iOS (iPhone) or Android compatible.

The Dash Cam’s Wi-Fi connection to your smartphone does not cost anything. It also does not use your mobile data. It is a simple Wi-Fi signal sent out by your Dash Cam and recognised by your phone. Once connected to your smartphone, all the Wi-Fi connection does is allow you to operate the App.

When setting up the Dash Cam Wi-Fi connection to your smartphone, here are some steps that make the Dash Cam Wi-Fi connection easier and more reliable:

1. Ensure you are inside the vehicle before connecting your Dash Cam Wi-Fi signal to your smartphone

The Wi-Fi signal is not as strong as something like your home internet Wi-Fi signal. You must be within about 5 metres of the Dash Cam to pick up a strong signal on your smartphone. The Wi-Fi signal does not work through doors or walls so if your car is in your garage and you are inside, you won’t be able to connect to the Dash Cam Wi-Fi signal.

2. The Dash Cam must be powered and on for it to be able to send out its Wi-Fi signal

If your Dash Cam is off, the Wi-Fi signal won’t be active. Also on most Dash Cams, the Wi-Fi only works when you are in driving mode, not parking mode. Make sure your camera is not in parking mode when connecting to Wi-Fi.

3. All the existing Wi-Fi connections on your smartphone must be cancelled or forgotten

Your smartphone can only connect to 1 x Wi-Fi signal at a time. So if your phone is already connected to your home or work Wi-Fi, you will not be able to connect to your Dash Cam. Likewise, if you are connected to your Dash Cam and your home Wi-Fi has not been disabled, your smartphone will search and try to connect to your home Wi-Fi. This can override the Dash Cam Wi-Fi connection and cause drop outs or connection problems.  Disable all your existing Wi-Fi connections on your phone before connecting to your Dash Cam.

4. Ensure the Android “Smart Network Switch or Adaptive Wi-Fi (newer Android versions)” or the iOS “Wi-Fi Assist” is switched OFF

This feature assists to maintain a stable internet connection on your phone so you will always be connected to the internet. However, this feature automatically jumps between “weak” Wi-Fi connections and your mobile data to maintain a stable internet connection. If these features are ON and you are connected to your Dash Cam Wi-Fi, your phone can switch over to use mobile data. When it does this, it kills the Wi-Fi connection to your Dash Cam so the Dash Cam App will drop out. To avoid Dash Cam App drop outs, always ensure this feature is off before connecting your Dash Cam Wi-Fi to your smartphone.

For iOS users, disable your Wi-Fi Assist:

*If you cannot find iPhone Wi-Fi Assist under Settings > Mobile, see if it is under Settings > Cellular


For Android users, de-select/disable the “Smart Network Switch” or “Adaptive Wi-Fi” feature from your Wi-Fi settings page:

Smart Network Switch (older Android versions)


How to disable Adaptive Wi-Fi (newer Android versions):

Step 1. Go into Settings -> Connections

Step 2.  Tap on Wi-Fi and make sure the slider is activated

Step 3. Tap on the Advanced button located near the top right of the screen.

Step 4. Toggle the Advanced Wi-Fi Switch to make sure it is disabled


5. Power up your Dash Cam and wait for it to start recording

6. Press the Dash Cam Wi-Fi button to tell the Dash Cam to send out its Wi-Fi signal

Some Dash Cam models automatically turn Wi-Fi on by default, otherwise a button is pressed to activate Wi-Fi. After pressing the Wi-Fi button you will generally hear a chime or notification that Wi-Fi has been activated. There might also be an indicator light that will illuminate once Wi-Fi is activated.

7. Go into your Wi-Fi settings page on your smartphone and look for the Dash Cam name (or ssid) 

Your phone will search for the Dash Cam Wi-Fi signal and when recognised, it will show up on your phone Wi-Fi list. The Dash Cam Wi-Fi ssid will normally have the brand name followed by random characters, for example BlackSys-5IA3RD or QviaA-2IFRW8

8. Select the Dash Cam ssid and enter the default password when asked

The default password is normally found in the manual or on the Dash Cam identification label. The default password is generally 8 numbers or characters long.

9. Once the password has been entered correctly, you the Dash Cam ssid should say “connected” or something similar

10. Now that you are connected you can enter the Dash Cam App and use its features

11. If you are finished with the App and want to start using your mobile data again, disconnect the Dash Cam Wi-Fi from your phone

This can be done by either pressing the Wi-Fi button on the Dash Cam again or by disabling the Dash Cam Wi-Fi connection from your phone Wi-Fi settings

Note: We don’t recommend changing the Dash Cam Wi-Fi name (ssid) as this can confuse the camera and affect the signal. If you change the Dash Cam Wi-Fi password or Wi-Fi name (ssid) and are experiencing issues, we suggest resetting them back to default by either:

a. Restoring the settings back to default. This can be done in the App, but if you can’t access the App it can be done via the Dash Cam’s dedicated PC viewer (model dependent)

If you have any further enquiries or would like more assistance please do not hesitate to contact us on (03) 9350 2605 or or on our Live Chat tab on the site.

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